Rates for destinations:
Tarpon Cay Lodge
Isla Blanca (Cancun)
Isla del Sabalo
Campeche Tarpon Club

Single Destination Packages
* 2 anglers sharing room and boat/guide
Non-Angler Rate: $80 per night (when paired with an angler booked at the single rate)

Combo-Destination Packages

Tarpon Tour:  Tarpon Cay Lodge + Isla del Sabalo
Yucatan Tour: 	Isla Blanca + Isla del Sabalo
Tarpon Route:  Tarpon Cay Lodge + Isla del Sabalo
Grand Slam Tour:  Tarpon Cay Lodge + Isla Blanca
Campeche Tour:  Isla del Sabalo + Campeche Tarpon Club

* 2 anglers sharing room and boat/guide
Non-Angler Rate: $80 per night (when paired with an angler booked at the single rate)

Combo Sample Itinerary (8 night / 6 day fishing package)

 Day 1: Arrival/pickup day
 Day 2 - 4: Fishing days at 1st destination
 Day 5: Transfer day
 Day 6 - 8: Fishing days at 2nd destination
 Day 9: Departure day

- All rates are in U.S. dollars -
- Rates are subject to change -

Cancellation Policy

Deposits, less a $300.00 USD cancellation fee per person, will be refunded if the client cancels the trip in writing more than 180 days prior to the original trip date.  If written cancellation notice is received between 90 to 180 days prior to arrival, no refunds will be issued but the deposit amount, less a $300.00 USD rebooking fee per person, may be applied to a future booking within one year of original trip date.  For written cancellation notices received less than 90 days prior to arrival, all payments are forfeited unless the client has an immediate replacement at the time of cancellation.

Angling On The Fly Terms & Conditions

A 50% deposit is due within 14 days of booking to secure reservation.  Final payment is due 60 days prior to scheduled arrival date.  

Refunds:  A $150.00 USD processing fee per person (in addition to any lodge cancellation fees) may be deducted from all refunds.   All refunds will be paid by check.  If written cancellation notice is received less than 180 days prior to the trip arrival date, no refunds will be issued.

Angling On The Fly acts only as agents for contractors or owners and outfitters, airlines, charter air, and ground transportation carriers or other services.  Payment of funds for fishing and other Angling On The Fly trips shall be deemed acceptance and consent of the following conditions.  Angling On The Fly or any of its affiliates or associated companies shall not be held liable for any loss or damages howsoever caused or arising from services provided by hotels or lodges, outfitters, guides, means of transportation or other services.  Baggage and personal effects are the sole responsibility of the traveling client at all times.TarponCayLodge.htmlIslaBlanca.htmlIslaDelSabalo.htmlCampecheTarponClub.htmlshapeimage_1_link_0shapeimage_1_link_1shapeimage_1_link_2shapeimage_1_link_3
2014 Rates (USD)